1. Engraving on Outside Top (properly centered), using
Candara Font, 16 point, all Bold face with initial caps and lower case text.
Stephen Jerome and Orawan Saejao Fitzsimmons Family
2. Engraving on Inside Top (properly centered -- the layout below is my best guess at "centering" the text.). Font Candara,
a) Header is boldface,16 point, both Initial Caps and lower case text.
b) Remaining text, 12 or 14 point normal text (i.e., not boldface)
c) Bottom Names Citation Attribution Smaller text than above, 11 or 12 point, italicized names, normal text.
Note: different font sizes, and the use of Caps, may be required based upon having easily readable, well centered text)
Tree of Life Memory Box
The first half of life is the period devoted to
building the container of our lives by
establishing our careers and family life.
The second half of life is devoted to filling that container
with all that nourishes our souls and uses the person that
we have become in the service of what we value most.
In our senior years there still is plenty to do --
we will continue to grow in new ways and make
sense of all the growing we have already done.
-- Carl Jung, Richard Rohr, Joan Chittister and Alan Bodnar
Note: Assuming that you use some form of software guided, laser printing device, perhaps I might be able to see the layout just prior to printing the two engraved surfaces?) Your instruction says Template requested, which I would like to do.